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relativistic heavy ion collider中文是什么意思

用"relativistic heavy ion collider"造句"relativistic heavy ion collider"怎么读"relativistic heavy ion collider" in a sentence


  • 重离子对撞机


  • Relativistic heavy ion collider , rhic
  • Although a discovery has not yet been announced , many physicists believe that a quark - gluon plasma , which would provide clues about the early universe , has been created in heavy - ion collisions in the relativistic heavy ion collider ( rhic ) at the brookhaven lab
    虽然科学家尚未宣布发现此种物质,但许多物理学家相信,布鲁克海文国家实验室的相对性重离子对撞机( rhic )其实已经制造出夸克胶子浆了。
  • The operation and first collisions of au nuclei in the relativistic heavy ion collider ( rhic ) at brookhaven national laboratory ( bnl ) during year 2000 began a new era in the study of nuclear matter at high energy density and the search of quark - gluon plasma ( qgp )
    原子核又是由核子通过强相互作用而结合在一起的。强相互作用的基本理论,量子色动力学( qcd ) ,指出所有参与强相互作用的基本粒子都是夸克( q )及反夸克( ( ? ) )的束缚态。
用"relativistic heavy ion collider"造句  


The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC, ) is one of only two operating heavy-ion colliders, and the only spin-polarized proton collider ever built. Located at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) in Upton, New York, and used by an international team of researchers, it is the only operating particle collider in the US.
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